Interview with Adam Rackoff, Producer/Director Matthew Modine’s Full Metal Jacket Diary @Cinequest 2014. Adam spoke about how he had approached Matthew Modine to create an Apple itune app for his diary that he kept whilst making Stanley Kubrick’s movie ‘Full Metal Jacket’.
Cheryl Kellond, Bia Sports: Bypassing Investors
Video interview with Cheryl Kellond, CoFounder Bia Sports about how & why they had to bypass investors to get their startup funded.
Guy Kawasaki “Enchanting”
Guy Kawasaki is the author of Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds & Actions. He is also the cofounder of, an online magazine rack of popular topics on the web & a founding partner at Garage Technology Ventures. Previously he was the chief evangelist of Apple.
We attended the Founders Conference in Mountain View on Tuesday. The keynote was Guy Kawasaki, brilliant as usual. Here is the first part of his talk.