Black Founders PitchParty mashup

Black Founders hosted a PitchParty in San Francisco last week.  Crosswalk won the competition. Pitches by Cheryl Contee,; Joel Cheuoua, Symbyoz; Patrick Jackson, Crosswalk; Jabari Martin, Tagive; Clarence Nathaniel, Netwirth; Charles Van Norman, Hactus; Julie Ko, SurePod; Eoin McMillan,  Thanks again to the investors who attended as judges for their generous feedback to the entrepreneurs Gwen Edwards, Golden Seeds; Nancy Pfund, DBL Investors, Bryce Roberts, OATV & Cameron Lester, Azure Capital Partners.

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Wendy Lea, GetSatisfaction: Challenges with Venture Funding Pt II

Video Interview with Wendy Lea, CEO of Get Satisfaction. Get Satisfaction is a community-based platform that helps companies engage their customers through open and transparent conversations that increase customer satisfaction, product insight and enhance customer loyalty. Wendy founded The Chatham Group, where she currently serves as an angel investor, strategic advisor and board member for a long list of startup companies. Wendy chairs the board for The Forum of Women Entrepreneurs & Executives (FWE& and serves on the board of Silicon Valley Social Venture Capital ( She was recently recognized as a Top 100 Woman of Influence in Silicon Valley. You can find Wendy at her site & Twitter @wendyslea

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Cameron Lester, Azure Capital Partners: Bias Disallows Disruptive Investment

Video interview with Cameron Lester, founding General Partner, Azure Capital Partners.  Cameron specializes in software and related infrastructure technologies. His current board memberships include Brightkite, EzRez Software, PSS Systems, SilkRoad technology, SourceCode Technology and Zend Technologies. Other successful investments include TopTier Software (acquired by SAP), VMware (acquired by EMC), Interwoven (IPO in 1999) and (IPO in 2004).  You can find Azure Capital on Twitter

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