Why Are Women Funded Less than Men? Free ebook

My Free ebook ‘Why are Women Funded Less than Men‘ now edited to text only.  This version can be viewed on any device.

I dedicated a year to this project video interviewing venture capitalists, angels & female founders on the shortfall in funding for women.  I learnt some invaluable information & insights about raising venture capital & also tips for female founders from the project & the fabulous people I interviewed.

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Dana Mauriello: Community Funding not Crowd Funding!

Interview with Dana Mauriello, Founder & President ProFounder.  Dana lives, eats, and breathes entrepreneurship – and has for as long as she can remember, as she has helped start and run multiple family businesses in a wide range of industries. Dana is a master of developing a deep customer understanding and applying this empathy to creating, marketing, and selling outstanding products. Working on the Corporate Product Innovations team at Estee Lauder, she created new product concepts and brought them to market. Dana created a unique major at Stanford University, earning her BA in Product Development, and double-dipped to earn her MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business a few years later. Dana is a champion powerlifter, and die-hard New Yorker. You can find Dana on Twitter @danamauriello

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