We bumped into Manu Kumar, K9 Ventures @Launch 2014. He was there to watch the demo for Coin as he was one of the earliest investors. He contributes greatly with a hands on approach with all startups in which he invests. As he said he invests ‘frighteningly’ early! Check out his blog for really helpful info about startups & investment
Financial services
Richard Titus,CEO prompt.ly #GLAZED
I interviewed Richard Titus, CEO prompt.ly @GLAZED Conference. He spoke about London where he comes from originally & his startup prompt.ly. It is focused on scheduling & is targeting to individuals. He spoke about being a serial entrepreneur & about getting investment. He is just about to close his Seed Round & about to start Series A. He spoke about being an angel investor in London, UK & his investments. He also mentioned the difficulties in raising capital in the UK & how the ecosystem works there.