Design with IDEO: Designing Sustainable Human Centered Business Models @Investors Circle Forum

Focused on innovative social design as IDEO discusses ways that their firm gains insights about customers & uses prototype  based experiments to help evaluate & explore business model options for business ventures.  Facilitators: David Aycan, Design Director IDEO & Joe Gerber, Business Designer IDEO @Investors Circle Spring Forum.

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Investing in Women: Infographic

I recently collaborated with the female founder of Piktochart to create the first infographic about Investing in Women.  Piktochart is an infographic editor that helps non-designers make information beautiful. Piktochart was launched in end of March 2012 and now has over 26,000 free users and 1,200 paid users.  I really want to give a huge thanks to Ching & her team, particularly Tiffany for design for putting this together!  Check out their site!  Also a huge shoutout to Mark Suster, GRP for encouraging me to persist!  

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Pay it Forward Business Model

‘Pay It Forward’ was a brilliant movie – so inspiring & very sad at the end.  Its obvious from the economic challenges of the last few years that if we focus on benefit to others that we also benefit.  If we focus on only benefiting ourselves then everyone suffers.  The summary of the idea is as follows:

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