Video interview with Christina Brodbeck, CoFounder The Icebreak, a fun and new service that helps couples to create more rewarding relationships with snack-sized activities that take no more than two minutes a day. Facebook is for friends, dating sites are for singles, theicebreak is for couples. Prior to theicebreak, Christina was a founding team member at YouTube and the company’s first UI Designer. She later went on to lead UI for YouTube Mobile, is an active angel investor, and mentors at various places including 500 Startups and The Designer Fund.
Seduction & The Pitch
When entrepreneurs pitch their startup/idea whether to investors or partners they are really just selling their company/idea to the other. However it is not just a simple sales pitch as some may think. If you scrape below the surface, there is a lot riding on it. Whoever is being pitched will generally be considering some sort of long term relationship with the entrepreneur. Similar to a profile on a dating site, if it’s a good pitch then it can open doors to what it is you really need i.e., investment or collaboration. If it’s bad then no matter how wonderful your startup/idea is, you will probably not get what you need to move forward & grow into a substantial business. Many entrepreneurs underestimate the value of the pitch and so many go hungry for the partners/investors that could change the startup game for them. In the dating game most people looking for love know how important the first meeting/date is & the fate of the relationship is often surmised within the first few minutes. This chemistry is based on natural affinities that to some extent still remain a mystery to most dating sites. However there are general tips that are guaranteed to support you in developing more possibility of chemistry with the people that count when you pitch. When you are pitching you are wooing the investor/partner so make sure that your pitch has the ability to seduce them.