Vince Pizzica, Technicolor #GLAZED

I interviewed Vince Pizzica, President Corp Partnerships & Ventures Technicolor @GLAZED Conference. He’s a fellow Aussie expat.  He spoke about Technicolor which is at the forefront of innovation & technology in media where artistry meets technology.  They have worked with Hollywood for 100 years.  They like to think & invest like a startup to be on the bleeding edge of innovation so ‘100 year old startup’.  They are the leader in physical media & that will change. He spoke about living in the Bay area after Paris & Oz.  He loves being able to speak about how you can walk into any café in the Bay area & talk about big ideas – nowhere else in the world!

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Gal lost in Technology

I came to the technology world late in life but it has not diluted my passion for it.  I had a thriving coaching business in Dublin, Ireland after getting a business visa for many years through my business plan.  I worked hard to keep the business going along with doing a lot of voluntary work for the International Coach Federation in Ireland.  (I was the founding President of the Ireland ICF chapter.)  I worked 24×7 and when I took a weekend off to visit friends in Paris, I often fell ill.  I met an Irish man who had been involved in Internet Marketing in the early days when it was multimillion dollar business.  We had a couple of brainstorming sessions about online business in particular online matchmaking & internet dating.  It planted a seed in my mind, online business could be the way to go.  As I was a mature woman 24×7 working one to one with people was exhausting and I imagined making money while I slept- mmm!   This was the beginning of my entry into the technology world.  This is my post for Ada Lovelace Day.

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