I interviewed Richard P Burgoon Jnr, President/CEO CyberHoldings @Gamesbeat. He spoke about War Zone Secure which is a PC based platform for 1st person shooter video matches. The demographics of gamers are 53% men & 47% women average age is about 20, median income is about $50k which is a good basis for starting a business. They created War Zone Girls which is an online graphic novel series & comes out quarterly. It has all female protagonists but not in the traditional exploitative manner – just happen to be female mercenaries, very cool women! He thinks it appeals to women because when you play these games you are anonymous & you can be just as good as a guy but not be identified based upon your gender. Also women tend to be a little bit better at hand eye coordination than men. Women happen to be really good at these games. He also spoke about the similarities between his past career in biotech & gaming – he loves being surrounded by creative people because it makes him feel more creative. He also spoke about funding for the company. He said that the team are all focused on equity – the long term vision!
We filmed a couple of panels @Gamesbeat which you can view here