I caught up with Jeff Clavier, Founding Partner SofttechVC @NVCA Venturescape 2015. He spoke about their new partner Andy McLoughlin, from Huddle fame who is already closing deals & how he really enjoys working with him.
SoftTech VC
Investor Panel #startupconf
Investor panel @The Startup Conference, Mountain View with Joyce Chung, Garage Technology & Heidi Roizen, DFJ & Stephanie Palmeri, SoftTechVC & Manu Kumar, K9 Ventures & Christine Herron, Intel Capital with Pemo Theodore, Moderator.
Founders Conference: Investors
Founders Conference in Mountain View May 3rd, 2011 Investors Panel featured Rebecca Lynn, Morgenthaler Ventures * Jeff Clavier, SoftTech VC * George Zachary, Charles River Ventures * Tim Young, SocialCast