We had the pleasure to cover the World’s Largest VC Office Hours @NVCA Venturescape. Hundreds of venture capitalists & entrepreneurs came together for an afternoon of networking, mentoring & idea exhcange. The goal: unleash a massive surge of creative synergy that will energize the participants in their quest for growth. It was an amazing experience with incredible people. This interview includes Corey Epstein, Founder/CEO 20jeans; Toyna Chin; Read N Rhyme; Scott Morgan, Founder/CEO Education Pioneers; Robert M Linck, CEO Shell Technology Ventures; Michael Wohlschleager, CoFounder/CEO Pingage; Dimitris Moraitis, CTO/CoFounder mist.io & Chris; John W Steidley, CEO Intelligent Mobile Support; Aleda Schaffer, Manager Sales American Airlines; Samantha Fryberger, VP Marketing jumpstart, Steven Otu, CoFounder Distribb.com; Reid Tatoris, CoFounder Are You a Human.
Victoria Cross
Term Sheets & Convertible Notes, Structuring the Deal @Investors Circle Spring Forum
An interactive legal discussion answering term sheet questions entrepreneurs often have as they prepare to take on their first outside investments. Facilitators Jonathan Storper, Partner Hanson Bridgett & Leslie Keil, Senior Counsel Hanson Bridgett @Investors Circle Spring Forum