Focused on innovative social design as IDEO discusses ways that their firm gains insights about customers & uses prototype based experiments to help evaluate & explore business model options for business ventures. Facilitators: David Aycan, Design Director IDEO & Joe Gerber, Business Designer IDEO @Investors Circle Spring Forum.
Web Design and Development
Investing in Women: Infographic
I recently collaborated with the female founder of Piktochart to create the first infographic about Investing in Women. Piktochart is an infographic editor that helps non-designers make information beautiful. Piktochart was launched in end of March 2012 and now has over 26,000 free users and 1,200 paid users. I really want to give a huge thanks to Ching & her team, particularly Tiffany for design for putting this together! Check out their site! Also a huge shoutout to Mark Suster, GRP for encouraging me to persist!