Meron Gribetz, CEO/Founder meta #GLAZED

I interviewed Meron Gribetz, CEO/Founder meta @GLAZED Conference. Meta can show phone, laptop & other device info & show in 3D space via the glasses. The paradigm is changing. He spoke about how they have raised their Seed Round & are not about to do Series A. They have sold $1m worth of goods over the last few months. YCombinator have funded them. He has an Aussie CoFounder whom he met when he was studying maths @Sydney University. He invented meta in Oz.

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Tereza Nemessanyi: ‘xx combinator’ and Women Entrepreneurs

I was fortunate enough this week to interview Tereza Nemessanyi on ‘XX Combinator’ & Women Entrepreneurs.  This conversation started on Fred Wilson’s Blog where her idea about an alternative incubator that would be accessible to women & fathers who are unable to access Y Combinator to develop their startups.  Tereza is a CEO of a stealth venture, launching in August 2010 based in New York.  You can find Tereza on her Tumblr blog Twitter @TerezaN

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