Charlie Shrem, CEO/CoFounder BitInstant LLC. Known on the Bitcoin forums as ‘Yankee’, he has over 5 years experience working with start-ups and business development in the eCommerce industry. Along with Gareth Nelson, he found the need for a more secure, fast and convenient way of transferring funds between and within exchanges. Using his experience and knowledge in finance and foreign currency markets, Charlie leads BitInstant through the complex compliance, licensing and regulations of the worldwide banking system. Currently residing in New York City he is also the Director of Operations for DailyCheckout, Inc and consults with dozens of business’s to manage their development and success. You can find Charlie on Twitter @CharlieShrem
Please note: Apologies for Charlie’s late appearance on the vid, he arrived spontaneously after I had started shooting & I forgot to move the camera.
Virtual Currencies panel @Future of Money & Tech Conference with Jered Kenna, Bitcoin & Philip Rosedale, Coffee & Power & Charlie Shrem, & Rebecca Watson, RadiumOne with Eric Chan, Embee Mobile moderator.
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