Mashup of some of the panels & speakers below
The Future of Mobile-Loco Commerce
Holger Luedorf, VP, Mobile and International, foursquare; Sylvain Carle, CTO, Needium; Victor Wong, CEO, PaperG; Chung Meng Cheong, VP, Ad Products, ATTi
It’s the Context, Stupid: Turning Dumb Features into Smart Ones
Darian Shirazi, CEO & Founder, Fwix; Rip Gerber , President & CEO, LOC-AID; Greg Dicum, President & Co-Founder, MondoWindow; Rob Reed, Founder & CEO, MomentFeed; Jay Ganaden, VP Digital Strategy of Momentum
Fireside Chat with Paul Adams, Facebook and Robert Scoble
The Future(s) of Location Based Services
Bob Upham, Director, Business Development, Yahoo! ; Bo Begole, Principal Scientist, PARC, a Xerox company; David Chiu, President, San Francisco Board of Supervisors (Mayoral Candidate); David Staas, VP of Marketing of JiWire
Tap, Tap: is the NFC tipping finally here?
Karen Webster, CEO, Market Platform Dynamics; Jeff Aguero, Head of Local Consumer Marketing, Google; Javed Chaudry, Director, M-Commerce, Motorola Mobility; Senthil Kanagaratnam, VP, Integrated Systems, VeriFone
Fireside Chat: Adam Brotman, Starbucks and Owen Thomas, Daily Dot
API overload: Making $$$$ and Sense with Data, Context, and Infrastructure
J. Kim Fennell, CEO of deCarta; Gary Gale, Director, Places Registry of Nokia; Randi Barshack, VP of Marketing, Mashery; Miten Sampat, VP of Product Strategy, Quova
Daily Deals Suck! Why and What to Do about It
Lilia Martinez-Coburn, VP Product of BluLabel; Jeremy Geiger, President of Retailigence; Chris Silva, Industry Analyst, Mobile of Altimeter Group; Laurence Marks, Chief Revenue Officer, ChoozOn
The Great Indoors: the Future of Indoor Location Based Services and Advertising
Ankit Agarwal, CEO of Micello; Marc Kleinmaier, Business Development – LBS, Lifestyle & Gadgets at Nokia; Doug Galen, Chief Revenue Officer of shopkick; Tom Owen, Business Development, EveryScape; Nathan Pettyjohn Founder & CEO aisle411
The Future of Geo-Loco Investment
John Malloy, General Partner, co-founder, BlueRun Ventures; Dev Khare, Principal, Lightspeed Venture Partners; David Lee, Founding Partner, SV Angel; Brian Andersen, Partner, LUMA Partners