The New Value Movement #futureofmoney

Joe talks about & the story behind creating the site & the purpose behind building trusted networks.  Discovery through your social graph!  He also spoke about obtaining funding for the startup.  They obtained angel funding the bulk of which came from Seattle & Swisscom (the only startup in a seed round).  He spoke about the challenges of pitching their business.  He spoke about how much leg work & practice goes into raising a round!  He gave a few tips to become more successful at getting funded.  Get feedback!

The New Value Movement Panel @Future of Money & Technology Conference: Dan Robles, The Ingenesist Project; Joe Johnson,; Patrick Murck, Engage Legal w moderator Dr Amy Vanderbilt,

Mobile panel @Future of Money & Technology Conference w Vincent Kadar, Telepin & Chris Battles, Intuit & Steve Schultz, Pageonce & Ray Ramilosa, Boku with Tom Krazit, GigaOm moderator.

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