We had the pleasure to cover the World’s Largest VC Office Hours @NVCA Venturescape. Hundreds of venture capitalists & entrepreneurs came together for an afternoon of networking, mentoring & idea exhcange. The goal: unleash a massive surge of creative synergy that will energize the participants in their quest for growth. It was an amazing experience with incredible people. This interview includes Corey Epstein, Founder/CEO 20jeans; Toyna Chin; Read N Rhyme; Scott Morgan, Founder/CEO Education Pioneers; Robert M Linck, CEO Shell Technology Ventures; Michael Wohlschleager, CoFounder/CEO Pingage; Dimitris Moraitis, CTO/CoFounder mist.io & Chris; John W Steidley, CEO Intelligent Mobile Support; Aleda Schaffer, Manager Sales American Airlines; Samantha Fryberger, VP Marketing jumpstart, Steven Otu, CoFounder Distribb.com; Reid Tatoris, CoFounder Are You a Human.
After an incredible evening of really great music, I interviewed Jason Mendelson, Managing Director Foundry Group & 2013 Venturescape Chair. After a very late nite & putting so much energy into playing with his band the nite before, I asked him how being a musician contributed to his success as a venture capitalist. I also asked him his thoughts on the changes that are happening to the venture industry. Really interesting responses, have a look at the interview.
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